الامية اسبابها,اثارها والحلولIlliteracy ,causes ,effects and solutions


الامية اسبابها,اثارها والحلول
Illiteracy ,causes ,effects and solutions 

Illiteracy is known as the inability to write or write .It is widespread throughout the world , especially in developing countries

There are many factors behind the prevalence of illiteracy . The major one is poverty as poor families can't pay for their children's education or even buy school tools like books, pens... Another main reason is child labor. Many children, Many children, particularly in developing countries skip school education to get jobs to suport their families. Gender discrimination can also be a reason behind illiteracy sinces ome  families consider girls education a low priority, so they to choose to educate boys while girls remain at home;   

The inadequate provision of schools in some places, especially in rural areas leads to the increase of illiteracy as some families living in countrysides can't send their little kids to schools in urban areas for education,so they skip school education.

Illiteracy has bad effects on both society and individuals. It increases poverty level because individuals with little or no education end up being jobless or getting low-paying jobs.It also increases crime  rate as jobless people look for illegal ways to have money, such as stealing to suport their families.

The governments  should provide more schools, colleges and trained teachers in addition to a free effective educational system.

To conclude , illiteracy is a widespread phenomenon, thus steps should be taken by both authorities and individuals to put an end to it

روابط مواضيع اخرى اضغط على العناوين في الاسفل

 سلبيات التكنولوجيا

كيف اصف منزلي

اتحدث عن اصدقائي وهواياتي

اتحدث عن مهنة الطبيب

الرد على دعوة صديق برسالة اليكترونية

قضاء عطلة الصيف (التخييم في الغابة)

وصف شخصية كرتونية

الامية اسبابها,اثارها والحلول

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