اكتب تعبير عن ايجابيات التكنولوجيا بالانجليزيAdvantages of Technology

Advantages of Technology

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 

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Technology is the scientific knowledge, skills, methods...to create and design different equipments which are used to facilitate the life of human kind. It concerns all fields. The most important ones are: Constraction, manufacturing, transportation, medical technology, and communication. It  plays a vital role in our life.

It has made our life easier, faster, and more comfortable. For example the invention of washing machines and dishwashers made the chores very comfortable since they save more time and energy . Scientific progress in the domain of communication such as the internet and smart phones has also changed the world forever;

The advancment in medical technology have increased the human lifespam due to the progress of vaccines and different treatments.

Transportation is no longer premitive or slow as it was. Nowadays, all means of transportation are more economic and quicker; such as, bullet trains(high speed trains)and plains.

To sum up technology is found all around as . It has has changed our world and conterbuted to our welfare.     


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