تعبيربالانجليزي عن الثلوث ,اسبابه ,انواعه والحلول ,Pollution ,types,causes solutions

النص على اليوتيوب


Pollution is the presence of the contaminants in the natural environment that causes harm and damage  and leads to adverse changes. It's the process of making the environment polluted due to the presence of harmful gases and substances in the air, soil or water.

There are mainly three types of pollution: Water pollution, soil pollution and air pollution.

Water pollution occurs due to toxic materials thrown into bodies such as oceans, lakes, rivers... These materials are most of the time sewage and wastewater, industrial waste...

Air pollution is the existane of harmful gases in the air. This  happens because of the emmission of dust; dirt and poisnous gases from vehicles and facories.

Soil polluion is usually the result of toxic substances such as exessive use of fertilisers,  deforstation , industrial waste.....

We should avoid burning trash and any other materials. Use public transport only rather than private vehicles to reduce pollution. It 'd be better if we replace fossil fuels with slar or wind geothermal, Recyle  plastic, paper and glass and plant more trees to get fresh air.

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